Penny A beautiful Lab Mix rescue dog from Texas has hidden abilities. We fell instantly in love with Penny on NDR’s website & applied to adopt her! It was August 2020, & we were so thrilled to be given the chance to make our home, Penny’s forever home! We adopted & brought her home on September 18, 2020. Rescuing Penny has been the most wonderful , fulfilling experience for my husband & I! She arrived from Texas extremely shy & fearful of so many things but through love, trust & positive reinforcement training, Penny has become a happy, confident & fun- loving member of our family. In addition, Penny’s calm & quiet demeanor has inadvertently lead to comfort & emotional support for our disabled grandson, who moved in with his Mom, our daughter, exactly 1 year ago! Our rescue is now rescuing.❤️Many thanks to NDR for your tireless work in rescuing so many beautiful dogs, allowing them a second chance to live their best life!❤️